Speed painting Ferrari & Maserati For NAZA ITALIA
Speed painting Ferrari & Maserati For NAZA ITALIA in 8 mins compressed to 15 secs.
Manny Pacquiao
4 mins speed painting of Manny Pacquiao with violinist Dennis Lau compressed to 15 secs.
Batman vs Superman
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is coming out soon. Can’t wait for it. Here’s a speed painting to their glory.
Shoes Painting for Melissa Malaysia
Client : Melissa Malaysia Year : 2015Shoes painted by artist Angel Ng with acrylic for Melissa Malaysia’s Contest Winners
Abstract Portrait of Dato. Seri Wong Chun Wai
Client : Dato. Kelvin Tan Year : 2015 Size : 3ft x 4ft3rd Dave’s Deli portrait painting
Client : Dave's Deli Year : 2015 Size : 5ft x 5ftAnother commission for Dave’s Deli. The portraits is done in acrylic.